Monday, August 30, 2010

"When children are doing nothing, they are doing mischief." - Henry Fielding

So Holden is bolting toward the "Terrible Twos." No holds barred. Winner takes all. Be all you can be. Bolting.

Ask him to do anything and he turns and sprints the other direction. Almost daily, he empties the dirty clothes bins - onto my living room floor - and raids the cereal cupboard. He unplugs the television, just because he knows how to. And after any given ten-minute interval, it looks like the inside of my house exploded.

The other afternoon while I took a shower, he let himself down into the basement, turned on some lights, ransacked the place, and was playing Jared's drum set when I got to him.

Yesterday he dumped our burn bin and ripped everything in it to shreds. Just before he let himself into the fridge and took a bite out of every apple in the drawer. And one orange.

Oh, and he tried to climb the bookshelf.


Anyway, I've actually been snapping pictures here and there for awhile now of some of the stuff he does, and I realized this morning - after yet another "Apple Incident" - that I have quite the accumulation of "Ornery Holden" photos. Evidence, I guess.

Drug out a broken down box we had saved and decided to play in it

Helped himself up into his brother's swing

Picked himself a cantaloupe from the garden

Melon Heads :)

Found and helped himself to all of Mommy's hair "stuff" - and a headband

"Eating" another one of the apples this morning that he can help himself to now that he
can open the fridge on his own.....

... And all the spit out pieces on my floor he decided he didn't want to chew anymore.

Indy will only eat so much apple, this I've learned.

Chocolate cereal, however, the dog will eat all day long. Thankfully.
Since there's really only so much I can do when I'm sitting and feeding Bridger to try to get Holden to stop....

Grouchin' about something. And totally dirty.

Oh my.

Terrible Twos, here we come.


  1. hahaha I laughed out loud at these pictures!!!!! He's such a ham;; I love him!!!!!!

  2. I laughed so hard when I was reading this post...not because I was laughing at you, but because I remember so well what it's like to try to stop a 2 year old (or almost 2 year old) from trying to, well, be 2...while breastfeeding a little one. That is the time that they act out the most...because they know that they can get away with it. It's cool how you've been able to capture those moments though and not just lose your cool.
