Last Friday, Holden got to go to the zoo for the first time! We went to the one in Akron and, while it is definitely a smaller zoo, it was absolutely perfect for Holden's first experience. And It was such a pretty day - not too hot for his very pregnant Momma! We got to go with his Mimi, Aunt Megan, Cousins Joss and Felix, Uncle Tyler B, and his "Emmy." It was a bummer that Daddy had to work, but he wants to take Holden to the Cleveland Zoo sometime, so he will still get to have some zoo fun, too.Anyway, Holden had so much fun. He really loves to see animals (like every other little one, I'm sure). And he did great riding on the big carousel with his Mimi.We had a really good time and are really glad we got to go and share that day with everyone.

Riding the carousel with Mimi

Feeding goats

Mommy likes the giant turtles :)

Uncle Tyler B feeding the geese... by hand.

The boys were being just adorable and holding hands :)

Mommy & Holden

Mimi and the kids - Holden, Josslyn, and Felix

Looking at the giant hamster/rodent thing

My sweet boy, happy to be at the zoo♥
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