Friday, August 6, 2010

Welcome, Bridger Dean♥

Bridger Dean was born on (his due date!) August 4, 2010 at 1:37am. He weighed 6 pounds 12.6 ounces and is 18 inches long. Here's our story.

Since first seeing those little "positive" pink lines, I prayed nearly every day that his birth wouldn't have to be another c-section and that it could be a smooth, natural birth. I prayed that my body would be allowed to perform as it was created to.

On Sunday August 1st, I started to have early labor symptoms. These continued off and on over the next few days. By the time I went to my appointment on Tuesday morning August 3rd, I was already about 5 cm dilated and in early labor. All Tuesday the contractions became progressively closer and stronger. That evening I had my weekly non-stress test like normal, but this time Jared decided he should probably go with me - since I might not be leaving. By the time I got all hooked up and they started the test, there was pretty much no denying I was definitely in labor.

They monitored me for awhile (and - silly me - I kept hoping they would send me home, since I was trying to avoid the hospital/interventions and labor at home for as long as I could.) But by around 10pm, my labor really picked up and it became obvious that this wasn't going to just fizzle out like the days before.

My mom came to the hospital, I changed into a gown, and a few hours later, we had our second son♥ (Seven minutes after Mom's prediction.)

Bridger Dean was born a very successful, natural, drug-free VBAC. And I have never felt so unbelievably supported, lucky, and happy.

I know God answers prayers.

And with my two beautiful, healthy boys and my amazing, supportive husband, I also know that have been blessed more than I ever could have imagined.

He's here!

Bridger Dean

Daddy got to cut the cord this time

Tired but so happy

Proud Daddy
(Who was absolutely amazing through the
whole labor. I 100% never could have done it without him.)

Me and Mom
(The toughest, strongest labor coach out there!)

Meeting his Mimi right after he was born

One happy Momma

Snuggling with Mommy the next morning

Blessed with another beautiful boy

Grandpa B

Who knew your heart could be so completely stolen twice? ♥

Grandma and Grandpa H

Our family of four♥

Aunt Megan

Big cousin Josslyn holding Baby Bridger

And finally Holden got to come to the hospital!

And was much more interested in playing with Daddy than in seeing the baby :)

Finally meeting his baby brother

All wrapped up snug as a bug :)

Cuddling with Daddy

Getting dressed to leave!


Daddy and his boys

Checking out the baby

Our beautiful boys♥

1 comment:

  1. that is so beautiful and amaizing!! congratulations ashley!!!!
