Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Graduation Party for "Emmy"

Holden loves his Uncle Tyler B's girlfriend, Emily♥

We have her senior photo on the fridge, and at least twice a day Holden points to her and tells me it's "Emmy."

Actually, almost every time he sees a blonde, teenage girl somewhere, he points to her and says "Emmy." And then Mommy has to tell him it's not. Silly boy.

Daddy told him the other night that he better get over it - she's too old for him. Haha.

But anyway, this past weekend, we got to go to her graduation party! And Holden definitely had lots of fun.

Sitting with the big kids :)

Holden and his "Emmy"♥

Holden loves water.
And Uncle Tyler B was swimming at the party.
So Daddy lifted Holden up so he could put his hands in the pool.

Splashing away!

But then Daddy wasn't really paying too close of attention....

......and when Mommy looked over.....

....Holden was basically dunking his whole head.

(Look at Daddy just patting his back, completely unaware that Holden's whole forehead is submerged. Ha!)

But by then, he was already wet and having fun, so we let him play a little more.

Putting the water on his head. Silly, silly boy.

More "swimming"......

.....and soaked. Good thing he had a bath before we went. Haha....

Playing with the rocks around the pool.
I don't know what it is about rocks, but he loves messing with them.

Trying to get some "dirty" off his neck.
Cookies, cake, rocks, dirt, grass.... who knows what it was.
But he thought I was just tickling him :)

Going for a walk then over to the cornhole games to see his Mimi play.

(And maybe dry off just a little bit!)

1 comment:

  1. So I was totally cracking up laughing looking at those photos. I love that Jared is just chatting away while Holden has his head in the pool!!

    We were at Applebee's a few weeks ago. Reagan was standing beside me chatting and I was talking to a friend. When I looked over at Reagan she had totally taken her shirt off!!

    lol... kids...
