Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fruit Loops

Holden loves Fruit Loops. He knows where the box is, he can reach it, and he gets them out at least once a day.

And he loves playing with/feeding the dog.

The other day, his two loves combined.

Almost every morning after we get up, right away Holden wants to go out on our enclosed porch and play with Indiana. And almost every morning I can hear him rummaging through the dog food bag and dropping handfuls of food into Indy's bowl.

It makes almost no difference how many times I go out there and tell him to stop. He just keeps saying "Indy" and "food" and getting handfuls. Good listener, huh? I think he's convinced the dog always needs to have food in his bowl. We do not agree on this.

Anyways, the other day, I tried to be very very clear that I didn't think this was a game and I didn't want him playing in the food. Indy didn't need anymore, he was full.

So a little while later, I hear a sound. I look over and Holden is standing over the dog's bowl, holding the Fruit Loops box upside down, emptying it into the bowl.


I guess he wasn't playing with the dog food, at least.

It's more Fruit Loops than any dog needs.

Checking out his mess. He kept saying "No No."

I asked him what he did and he said "meh" (mess). Guilty.

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