Little Brother continues to grow! And so does Momma's belly :)
And while I'm fairly certain that we're not quite ready for him to make his grand appearance just yet, I'm also beginning to feel like I'm ready to be done being pregnant. Not that it's even that unpleasant - I'm pretty lucky and I haven't ever really experienced any of the yucky pregnancy symptoms - but I have a serious dislike of medical "stuff" in general, and I'm ready to not have to see any more doctors or have any more tests run for a long time.
In addition to countless growth ultrasounds, and feeling like I live at the doctor's office, I've now also started having weekly Non Stress Tests (due my history with high blood pressure during pregnancy) just to check on Little Brother and make sure he's still doing good in there.
(And I'll say it again, I can't wait to be done being pregnant so I don't have to deal with any more medical stuff for a long time :/)
But aside from all the medical crud, I feel pretty good! I've been keeping track of my BP at home and it always seems to be just fine - whenever I'm not around the hospital/doctor people..... I haven't really had too much swelling yet (thankfully! and surprisingly with all this heat and humidity!), I'm still feeling pretty mobile and comfortable most of the time (getting off the couch is another story....), and aside from the typical pregnant middle-of-the-night potty breaks, I'm still sleeping very well. So all good news :)
And, in other news, Holden is now NINETEEN months old! Whew! Growing like a weed. And Jared has had a really long, busy work week so hasn't seen Holden much these past few nights. And he swears that in the last 2 days he's missed, Holden's just talking more and more. Probably. I'm with him all day and I can definitely tell you that the only times he's not talking are when he's (a) sleeping or (b) doing something he's not supposed to be doing!
I leave you with the last few most recent belly shots. Enjoy!
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