We are now down to about 9 weeks! Crazy!
His room renovation is well underway - orange carpet is gone, fake wood paneling is down, and Daddy has begun the mudding process to fix the plaster walls (which are, thankfully, in much better shape than the Main Room walls were when we took down that paneling). We're actually hoping to have everything pretty much sanded and ready to primer by this weekend!
He also now finally has a dresser. So pretty soon I can start going through all Holden's baby clothes - which I love doing♥ - and get everything in order.
Next on the list: a place to sleep (aka Crib, Mattress, Bedding). But I know he won't really be using it too much (if at all) right at first, so I guess we're not in too big of a hurry. (Sometimes the Practical Part of me needs to remind the Planner Part of me to just relax.....) Truthfully though, Holden's crib wasn't completely finished and ready until he was at least 3 months old. So we'll have it all ready for Little Brother. In time :)
But anyways, here's the baby belly progress over last few weeks:
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