I am now officially 35 weeks pregnant, with only 35 days left to go!
So, of course, Holden and I took a few pictures this morning before we left for the store. Just to mark the occasion :)
And we are still pluggin' away on the nursery. Actually, Holden is going to spend Saturday with Grandma and Grandpa, so we are hoping to make lots of progress then - since we'll be kid-free and both able to be working on the room together. For once.
Over the weekend we're really hoping to get the floor sanded and something else painted - either the woodwork, walls, floors.... something. It is a long weekend and Jared already promised to work on the room. (He detests painting and says I'm a slave driver because I am always asking him when he's gonna get to it.... and I do feel a little bad for nagging, but seriously, I'm sorta on the clock here. Haha.) So I'm trying to remain optimistic :)
I did manage to get the crib skirt almost finished the other day. Everything is now cut, measured, folded, pressed, and pinned. Just need to hem the edges all up and it will be done!
And I am making some progress. Slowly. Little Brother now has a few, new, really cute little onesies, the dresser is all finished and the new hardware is on, I bought the crib bumper, and I spray painted a mirror and a lamp base for the room. Tonight I'm going through baby clothes. And tomorrow I'm going to try to cover a lamp shade with some of the extra fabric I have left over from the skirt. Wish me luck :)
And I had another Non Stress Test last night, and it went very well. Actually, when the nurse came back after giving the report to the doctor, she said my doctor was "pleased." Which was definitely a pleasant and welcome surprise - for a change!
Happy Fourth of July Weekend, everyone! Have fun!!