Monday, October 18, 2010

Mr. Chunkers

It's funny to me how, when talking to babies, we sometimes say the most ridiculous things. I mean, it's really more about the facial expressions and tone of voice than the actual words. At least that's how it is for me.

I often find myself talking about the stupidest things when I'm talking to Holden and Bridger. Or just repeating words/phrases over and over. And I "nickname" them the goofiest stuff. Not even on purpose. It's just what comes out when I'm talking "baby talk" to them.

Holden was always Mr. Man when he was a baby. Mr. Man. Seriously, how much sense does that make?

And I catch myself calling Bridger (depending on his mood) either Grouch Butt/Fussy Gus or Mr. Chunkers/Chunker Munker. I guess it morphed from the idea of chunky monkey. Who knows.

These days, it's got to be at least half gibberish every time I talk to Bridger.

On the bright side, he doesn't know the difference. And most of the time, if he can see my face, it doesn't matter what I'm saying. I still get a grin and a coo.♥

Me and my Mr. Chunkers

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