Thursday, October 7, 2010

Basket Head

Mommy has all of Holden's smaller, group-able, toys in their own little containers - ex. cars, blocks, animals, balls, etc.

And one of Holden's favorite things to do is dump the baskets. Not to play with the toys inside, just to hear them all crash to the floor in one big, mixed-up pile.

Mommy, as you can imagine, loves this.

But the other day, right after nap time (when I had once again straightened up all the toys and put them all back in their bins), little Mr. Holden went straight for the toy room and emptied the baskets. But this time, instead of just walking away, he decided to wear the baskets as hats.

At least he dumped them for a good reason this time, I guess.


1 comment:

  1. Reagan does the same thing! She says "come on, lets play toys". Then she just dumps them all out. Not really 'playing' if you ask me!!
    Our house is always scattered with toys until she goes to bed. Mommy can only clean them up so many times.
