Happy Birthday, Holden! 3 Months already!
And we have been doing so very well.
Holden is (almost always. haha.) a very happy boy! he loves talking and singing and he is so easy to get a smile out of. when we went to church yesterday he even smiled at all the ladies who talked to him. such a little flirt already :)
Holden had his first set of shots a few weeks ago. boy was that awful. he did very good in the doctor's office, but that whole night his little legs were so sore. Mommy was crying right along with him. Luckily, it's over with now for a bit, so we won't think about it again until we have to.
And Daddy had a really bad cold a couple weeks ago, but thankfully Mommy and Holden never did catch it.
Holden is also slowly beginning to reach for things now. He has grabbed ahold of some toys held out to him and he always holds onto Mommy and Daddy. He even reached out and grabbed ahold of one of the toys hanging off his floor gym thing the other night!
All in all, things are going very well! now we just need to get him to sleep a few more hours in a row at night and we will be all set! hehe...

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