Wednesday, March 4, 2009

2 1/2 Months Old

i feel like time is flying!

Holden is already about 2 1/2 months old and i can hardly believe how big he is getting! we even went to the grocery store the other day - all by ourselves - for the first time (daddy was working) and he did great. he loves his baby carrier and he just chewed on his fist and watched everything!

i think every parent i have ever talked to has always told me how fast they grow, but it is just amazing to be with him every day and get to see him growing and changing.

and he is such a happy and pleasant baby. we are very blessed. he is so easy to entertain and make smile. he loves singing and when we play the pat-a-cake game. (mommy claps his hands for him and he just smiles away) he also loves loves bath time and i think mommy and daddy end up just about as wet as Holden every time becuase he gets so excited and kicks and splashes all over!

he also loves his swing and is usually very content to sit in his bouncy chair and watch mommy while she does some stuff around the house.

and he sleeps wonderfully and has put himself on a very regular napping schedule!

and in just a few weeks his cousin josslyn will be back for a visit and we are so excited we can hardly stand it!

i am a very happy momma :)

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