I came across this quote one day while browsing around, and it made me smile. For awhile now, I've thought that for the past 2 1/2 years (or more if you count the whole time I was pregnant with Holden) our lives have been pretty much all crazy with kids and babies anyway, so why not just keep going while we're still in the "mode"? I mean seriously, who wants to have to adjust back into no-sleep/baby/diaper mode after being well-rested with a completely self-sufficient child for 5 years? Well, I admit. The well-rested part sounds sweet. But having to switch back into "Baby Mode"? Not so much.
And really, "...it doesn't matter how many kids you have... because one kid'll take up 100% of your time so more kids can't possibly take up more than 100% of your time." (Karen Brown) Right? :)
So yup, it's a little hectic around here. But that's ok. If there are 2 in the tub, or 2 already in tears, or 2 needing their diapers changed, or 2 being rowdy on the floor wanting to play - really, what's one more? Just keep it coming and I'll rest one day. It might be years from now. But one day :)
Anyway, here's a few random photos of life around our house nowadays....
(Also, it is amazing what this kid will do for a piece of candy.)
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