Monday, January 31, 2011

Itty Bitty Baker

Holden has always had a little wooden table and chair set. And he recently realized that he is strong enough to carry those chairs all around the house (and even up the stairs once...) so that he can be taller and check out even more of what's going on. He likes to stand on them to reach the bathroom sink, to see out the windows better, to reach Bridger in his high chair, and to reach the counter in the kitchen whenever I'm doing something in there. Yesterday, it was baking.

I asked him if he wanted to sit on the counter to help and he said "No, chair." So there.

He helped pour and stir and them I just gave him a measuring cup with some of the M&M's in it so he could play. He told me he was "Cooking supper, Mommy" and that it was "perfect." He's just built in entertainment around here :)

Stirring the flour

"Cooking Supper" with his M&M's

He could get them into the teaspoon ok...

But they just didn't want to come out without his little fingers helping!

The Itty Bitty Baker

Sampling his work some more :)

And when the good stuff moves to another counter, so does the boy with the chair.

Ready for a cookie!

1 comment:

  1. I could have written this post myself. It sounds exactly like Reagan!! Except, we have a plastic Little Tikes table. The chairs are dangerous! Reagan can move them anywhere but they flip over super easily.

    We should get the kids together to play soon. I think they would have a lot of fun!
