Every once in awhile, I get the feeling like Holden just grew overnight. Like the morning about a month ago when, out of nowhere, he pointed to the computer screen and asked, "Who's 'at Mommy?" just like some big kid.
Anyway, today was another one of those days. And not just for him, but Bridger, too.
(These pictures were last night. These boys just love bath time -especially together! - and are always so happy then, so I took a couple pictures.)

Scrub a dub dub, 2 tots in the tub!

I think if you look up the definition of "ornery" in the dictionary, Holden's picture should be featured.....
But today while I was taking a picture of something, Holden walked over to me, pointed at it, and said, "So adorable, Mommy." I laughed out loud. Where in the world did he learn to say that? I don't think
I ever even say that word very often. Some of the things he remembers.... I feel like at least every other day he says something new that I've never heard before - just like something he remembered from somewhere. Little sponge!

And not only is our chunky little Bridger-roo getting really good at sitting on his own, and better and better at eating his baby food - I mean, he now opens his mouth without being forced and even swallows almost all of it! - but he also officially has his first
tooth! I just found it (on the bottom) this afternoon. Everyone's just growing like a weed over here...
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