Monday, January 31, 2011

Itty Bitty Baker

Holden has always had a little wooden table and chair set. And he recently realized that he is strong enough to carry those chairs all around the house (and even up the stairs once...) so that he can be taller and check out even more of what's going on. He likes to stand on them to reach the bathroom sink, to see out the windows better, to reach Bridger in his high chair, and to reach the counter in the kitchen whenever I'm doing something in there. Yesterday, it was baking.

I asked him if he wanted to sit on the counter to help and he said "No, chair." So there.

He helped pour and stir and them I just gave him a measuring cup with some of the M&M's in it so he could play. He told me he was "Cooking supper, Mommy" and that it was "perfect." He's just built in entertainment around here :)

Stirring the flour

"Cooking Supper" with his M&M's

He could get them into the teaspoon ok...

But they just didn't want to come out without his little fingers helping!

The Itty Bitty Baker

Sampling his work some more :)

And when the good stuff moves to another counter, so does the boy with the chair.

Ready for a cookie!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Clean and Growing

Every once in awhile, I get the feeling like Holden just grew overnight. Like the morning about a month ago when, out of nowhere, he pointed to the computer screen and asked, "Who's 'at Mommy?" just like some big kid.

Anyway, today was another one of those days. And not just for him, but Bridger, too.

(These pictures were last night. These boys just love bath time -especially together! - and are always so happy then, so I took a couple pictures.)

Scrub a dub dub, 2 tots in the tub!

I think if you look up the definition of "ornery" in the dictionary, Holden's picture should be featured.....

But today while I was taking a picture of something, Holden walked over to me, pointed at it, and said, "So adorable, Mommy." I laughed out loud. Where in the world did he learn to say that? I don't think I ever even say that word very often. Some of the things he remembers.... I feel like at least every other day he says something new that I've never heard before - just like something he remembered from somewhere. Little sponge!

And not only is our chunky little Bridger-roo getting really good at sitting on his own, and better and better at eating his baby food - I mean, he now opens his mouth without being forced and even swallows almost all of it! - but he also officially has his first tooth! I just found it (on the bottom) this afternoon. Everyone's just growing like a weed over here...

Thursday, January 27, 2011


In general, Holden is a very good big brother. I mean, sometimes he jumps on the bed just a little too close to Baby Bridger.... but he is two after all....

But really, he asks to hold Bridger almost every day after his nap, he talks to him, he brings him toys, he plays with him, he gets his Binky when it falls, he always tells me when he hears Bridger crying, and he is very good about bringing me things to help when I ask him.

The other day I sat Bridger on the couch and gave him a few toys to play with while I did something. I heard Holden in the toy room talking to him, and when I went in, this is what I found.

A few toys was not enough, I guess. Holden got out all the baby toys for Bridger.

Got enough to play with there, little one?

Absolutely loves attention


♥ ♥

Silly boys with their toys.

And then later that night while I was making dinner, I put Bridger on the floor with some toys... and Holden decided to play with him again.

How adorable is that?♥

Trying to turn around and see his big brother

And this is what I got when I said to say "cheese" :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

Mmmm.... cereal....

Here's just a little idea of what Dinner Time for Bridger is like at our house...

He's still working on learning to actually open his mouth and swallow his food without just shoving all of it right back out.

We've got a ways to go.

That darn tongue....

And most of the time, he just wants to watch his goofy big brother anyhow.

Silly Holden. Always making Bridger smile :)

Dinner and a Show!

It's tough to compete with this when all I've got is a spoonful of goo.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

5 Months Old

Our Baby Bridger was five months old on Tuesday! And honestly, I am loving every new phase he's entering more and more. But I guess it really does seem to be going by quickly. Five months already....

He's doing the typical baby stuff. He's keeps getting closer and closer to being able to sit on his own. He loves toys - watching them, grabbing them, eating them... all of it. He adores Holden and I'm pretty sure he would watch him all day long if I just held him and followed Holden around. He also loves the "baby in the mirror" and it's pretty much a guaranteed smile every time he gets to see "him." And he also like being startled, which might not really be a "typical" baby thing. Haha. Not scared, just startled. Like, he really likes whenever someone just out of the blue says, "boo!" to him... he's silly.

And he is one healthy, solid little chunk. He's about 17 pounds and has already been wearing the clothes that Holden wore when he was like 7,8,9 mos old. And he loves to eat. I think he would drink a bottle all day if I would let him. And since he's far more than doubled his birth weight, we decided to let him start eating some rice cereal last week. He seems to really like it... what he can keep in his mouth that is :)

So, he continues to grow. And he just seems to get happier and more fun each week!

Practicing sitting up

The boys

Trying to get the little elephant Mommy stuck in there

Got it!

Straight to the slobber pit :)

Sweet boy

"Playing" together... or at least near each other :)

Happy Happy

And then Holden was letting Bridger get his hair. Silly boys.

I just can't have enough kiss pictures♥

Sunday, January 2, 2011

"On the first day of Christmas...."

As I was trying to think of what to title this (very large) Christmas post, this song The Twelve Days of Christmas popped into my head.... and it just seemed kind of appropriate.

We had about six different Christmas celebrations this year. So, I guess you could say, we were a little busy this holiday season.

Thankfully though, pretty much all of our get-togethers were spaced at least a day apart, so we never really had to go more than one place in a day. Which, with two small boys, I really appreciated.

We had a night at my Grandpa's, a day with my dad, Christmas Eve at my mom's, Christmas morning at home, Christmas Day at my mom's, and the day after Christmas at Mom and Dad Himes'.

It was wonderful getting to spend so much time with family, playing games, giving gifts, and feasting on all the wonderful holiday food and goodies. And I love how much fun Holden had playing with all his little cousins, eating all the holiday sweets, opening all the presents, and just getting to play with and see all his family.

But to be honest, I'm ok with it being over now. It's not quite as easy to just pack up and run over somewhere with two little kids. And even when we're there, and I know Jared feels the same way, it's like we don't always get to really visit or participate as much as we'd like since we're usually one or both of us tending to one or both of the boys. Which, frankly, is just easier at home.

I feel like there were very few times in all the happy, festive chaos, that we really got to just sit down and be, in the quiet, and remember what Christmas is really about. And although I had a lot of fun with everyone, to an extent, I feel like I kind of missed that this year. The calm. The quiet. The reason.

And so, a new year begins.

And I'm excited. We already have lots of fun plans and goals for this year - like some small projects around the house, our first family vacation to visit my sister, and Jared and I are even going to try to read the whole Bible together. But I'm also excited because, looking back, it's so easy to see how blessed our lives have been this past year. We have settled into our home, we have our beautiful, funny, healthy boys, Jared's good job that has allowed me to stay home, and all our family.

And this new year, I look forward to what the future will bring for us and our family. And I would really like to take advantage of our fresh start.... but always remember the firm foundation that has already been given to us.

...... Christmas Exchange at Papa's ......

Holden sitting with his Aunt Megan and Cousin Felix

Meg and Me

How I love this ornery little boy...

Felix and his Momma

Opening some presents

Josslyn Grace. She looked like a pretty little Chrimstas princess ♥

Mom and Roger watching everyone opening presents.

Some family on the couch

My Uncle Jeff and Mom

Felix, wedged in so he can't escape, checking out his new toys.

Mimi and Joss

The Plaid Brothers. They're special.

Holden matches, too!

Corey and Meg

The Christmas Rambo

Felix loves to touch Bridger. Especially on the head.

B-ma and Bridger

...... Our Christmas with Dad ......

Josslyn holding Bridger

Joss helping Holden open his present

A tool set!

All the kids, staring at the tools, waiting for someone to get them out.

Megan to the rescue!

Playing with his new drill

And listening to the whirring noise the toy makes when the lights spin around inside it

And from us, Dad (who is the hardest man int he world to shop for) got new floor mats!
And Jared works for a company that manufactures floor mats.

Uncle Tyler looks more excited to see what it is than Joss does :)

.... And it's some Shrek movies complete with Shrek ears!


Jared had no idea he was gettting a chainsaw on a stick he's been wanting. He was totally surprised. Can't you just hear him saying, "Are you kidding me?!" :)

And then, for no other reason except that he can, Tyler put Megan in the choke hold.
Megan always gets abused when she's home.

So it was time to burn off some energy and play with the new Tent and Tunnel!

Holden loves it.

Here he comes!

And Josslyn's turn

Aunt Ashley grabbed Felix before he could go through the tunnel.

But then I let him go :)

Even Uncle Tyler liked it. Haha. Good gift, Grandpa.

Grandpa and all the kids

...... Christmas Morning at Home ......

Checking out all the presents Santa brought him.

Look at that grin. Stinker.

I think he was excited :)

Tearing into them!

My Christmas Baby

The boys helping Mommy open some presents.

My Beautiful Babies

Helping Daddy now

Holding up Daddy's new shirt

Handsome Boys

Wearing his new shirt already :)

...... Christmas Day at my Mom's ......

He still loves me :)

Uncle Corey has his arms full.

Oh how I wish my sister lived closer...♥

Mimi and her grandbabies

I can't even begin to understand them.

It's a special kind of love.

All the boys!

Uncle Tyler B and Bridger Dean

Time to open some presents.

The beautiful Reynolds' girls

Looks pretty excited about his new toy.

Got it!

Mom and her new cupboard

Tickle Me Elmo!

Opening some with Daddy now

Jared and his new work boots!

Felix helping Uncle Tyler try out his new iPod.

Merry Christmas!

...... Himes Christmas ......

Shanti the Super Aunt :)

Hannah and Holden

Live Entertainment!

My handsome and very talented husband♥

Time for a bottle

Me and Naomi. I love this picture.

Ornery, beautiful boy.

Our nephew Isaac took this picture and he did a wonderful job!

Uncle Tyler and Aunt Shanti. Relaxing.

Opening some presents with Mom.

"Riding" Bridger's box of diapers. Goof.

Sleepy Bridger with Grandma and Grandpa

Holden and Hannah

The guys modeling their new wool sweaters.

Our whole family