It took a little while for Mommy to get him all "mummified" and, as usual, she was running behind, so Daddy had to help out and get Baby Bridger dressed. And although it was time consuming, Holden sure looked adorable. And Mommy thought it was definitely worth all the trouble so he could look cute for the big day.
So after posing for a few pictures with his little pumpkin,
and pretending to eat that pumpkin just to hear Mommy yell , "No! Ewe!",
Holden the Mummy and Bridger the Little Pumpkin were all ready for their big day of Trick-or-Treating!
So everyone piled into the car and drove over to Mimi's house. But when we got there......
And then we realized it: we were all dressed and ready, and it was the wrong day.
Of course it was.
So Daddy got Bridger out of the car so we could at least see him all dressed up.....
and Mommy almost fell on the ground laughing. After everything - all the time making a costume, planning, getting ready, rushing around to be on time, and showing up on the wrong day - Daddy had put Bridger's costume on backwards.
It was the icing on the cake.
So we decided that the Mummy should at least get a little candy since Mommy had him all prepped and ready for the event. Mimi started to go in and get some and, of course, Holden wanted to follow her. But he was a little restrained in his amazing costume, and.....
... Mummy down.
But Mimi came to the rescue and showed him what Trick-or-Treat is all about.
The candy!
Meanwhile, the cutest little pumpkin on the block (which is completely truthful, since he was, in fact, the only pumpkin on the block that day...) was just grinning away in his little pumpkin outfit :)
So the Mummy wore his costume around a little more (because, let's face it, after all that work, we were at least going to get some time out of that thing),
ate some more candy, and visited with some of his favorite people, including his love, Emmy.♥
Then we took a few pictures to help us always remember this ridiculousness....
... and called it a day.
" 'A' for effort" and "It's the thought that counts," right? Ha.
Oh well, I guess. It didn't turn out as planned, but what does? At least we have this silly story :)
Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!
aww!!! what a cute (and sad) story!!! :) and Bridger IS the cutest pumpkin I've ever seen! :) These things happen, haha. I have to say, Ash, it's obvious you guys are having a wonderful fall and all of your pictures are a joy to look at! What a good mommy :)
ReplyDeleteLove, Mer