Thursday, March 15, 2012

Well hello there, Spring.

I've said it before, but around here, we're "weather people."

And sometimes when the sun starts shining, it seems like it can warm up more than just our faces.

It's been warm this week. And beautiful. And the other day the boys and I went out to dig in the dirt, feel the sun and the breeze, clean up the beds and help the tiny green shoots find the light, and just think about the multitude of ways in which we've been blessed. And how lucky we are to have been given all we have.

And how quickly it all changes.

Well, maybe it was just me doing those last few things. While my beautiful boys played in the sun and the dirt.

And, among other things, I just can not get this verse out of my head this week.

"Teach us to number our days aright,
that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
-Psalm 90:12

And I can not stop dwelling on the purpose of a life.... and how utterly temporary all this really is....

But for now, I give you these. Spring time pictures of my handsome boys.

And I hope that if the sun finds you on one of these days, as you close your eyes and lift your face to the light, that you will feel the warmth not just on your skin - and know you are loved.

Helping me weed. Gloves and all.

I just want to kiss these sweet little faces.

Wagon ride!


My cup runneth over ♥

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