Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunshine and Fresh Air

Last week was beautiful (here. Those poor families along the path of Irene will tell a different story, I'm sure.) and Jared and the boys were playing and working outside a lot.

And I was inside.

Not for any real reason - I'm tired, but really do feel fine - but I guess just because there's not much Graham and I can actually do outside yet.

So by Friday, I was really wanting to be outside and play too and get some fresh air. So we took the boys to the park for the afternoon.

It was so nice out. And while Baby Graham and I spent much of our time hanging out on the bench, nursing, it still was really nice to just get to be outside with Jared and the "big boys" - together.


Under Doggie!
(It's way more fun when Daddy pushes than Mommy)

Enjoying the beautiful day in the shade

Sweet baby

The Climber

Playing in the mulch

The "Big Boys" making some music


More climbing....

He loves this thing.

And wants to do it all by himself.

So big.

And Bridger would have climbed up and down this thing all day, I think.

Weeee! :)

Up and down, up and down....

He thinks he's so big, too.

Our first play day out as a family of five ♥

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