We are quickly closing in on a year! Bridger Dean is already 8 months old today. And growing like a weed. (Already wearing 12 month pants!)

"Playing Toys" this morning
Here's some of the latest "Bridger News":
- He has learned to chew. He still doesn't get anything very solid to eat, but he now
loves Puffs. He's also starting to be able to pick them up and put them in his own mouth. (I'd say 1 out of 10 makes it in. So, he's getting there!)
- He has 3 teeth in now and I kind of feel like, from here on out for awhile, he's always just going to be working on another one....
- .....which very well may have something to do with the fact that he no longer really likes his bottles. He'll still take one, for a little bit, but then he just shoves it away. (Making Mommy pretty frustrated sometimes....) So yes. Perhaps learning to chew and teething are both contributing to his new aversion to bottles. Or maybe it's just a phase. Whatever it is, I hope it passes soon.
- He still hates being on his tummy. We're actually starting to wonder if he's even going to try to crawl. I know he's strong enough - he can get up on all fours - he just really doesn't seem interested. He would MUCH rather be standing and "practice walking" while holding onto someone's fingers. This is his new favorite thing to do and he's getting pretty good at moving his feet correctly. We're wondering if he might not just go straight to cruising and then walking and skip crawling for now. Time will tell... Here's a shot of our little Cruiser.

- He is, generally, a fantastic sleeper. He still usually wakes up once a night for a bottle, but putting him down for a nap or for bed is just so wonderfully easy. He has a bottle (or part of one, nowadays), he gets his binky, and he lays down. He's almost never asleep when he goes down. And he almost never cries at all when I walk away. Every night it still just baffles me. Holden was so very different - needing held and rocked and fed until he was completely out, and then having to sneak out of the room, etc. We are definitely blessed with Bridger's current sleep routine.
- Oh, and I weighed him this morning in his jammies after his diaper change. About 21 1/2 pounds. We have a very solid little boy :)
Here are a few more photos from this morning when he was playing. Happy 8-Month Birthday, little one!