Happy Birthday, Holden Tyler!
This year, instead of one big party, we just had a couple smaller ones with each side of the family. Which I'm sure must have been even more fun for The Birthday Boy. (I mean really, what little kid doesn't want his birthday to last like 4 days? :) )
His first birthday party was at Grandma and Grandpa's a few days before his actual birthday:

Waiting while everyone sings "Happy Birthday" to him......

Time to blow out the candle! Trying...


....and finally just Daddy helped a little.



I know I'm partial, but look how handsome that little Birthday Boy is ♥

Making a mess with cake and berries

Time for Presents!

Uncle Kevin trying to get Holden to say that he's 2.
Good luck, Uncle Kevin. Ha.


Sometimes it's hard work getting those presents out of the wrapper.

A new tractor!

Everybody was trying to help get the tractor out.

Naomi showing Holden how to work his new flashlight

Grandma, Grandpa, and Nay Nay

Silly Birthday Boy♥

Still waiting to play with his new tractor. Daddy had to get it out. Mommy was taking too long.

Worth the wait :)

The grandkids (except for Hannah)

Having a little more cake after opening his presents.
Grandma says, "The party's over." :)
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