One day last week, Jared took a day off work and Megan and her family came over to our house. It was so nice just to spend time with them. Megan and I went to the store and made Buckeyes, Jared and Corey lifted and got some wood for the stove, and later.... both Daddies took their big kids "sledding" :)
This was Holden's first time out this year and I think he had fun, but got cold pretty quick.
Here's some of the pictures I snapped while they were all out in the snow.

Holden and Daddy

Indy wanted to play, too.

Getting a lift from Daddy

And pulling the sled back up the little hill

Handsome snow boys

Gettin' a push from Joss and Uncle Corey!

There they go!

All the sled riders

Josslyn's turn

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