We got our Christmas tree!
The weekend after Thanksgiving, we went with my mom and family to go get our trees. We got to go for a tractor ride, walk around outside in the beautiful sunshine, see a reindeer, and watch while Daddy and Pap Pap cut down the "perfect" trees. It was really a good day.
Bridger had fun riding around in the Jeep carrier and watching all the "choosing." And Mr. Holden definitely had a lot of fun getting his first real Christmas tree with everyone. Uncle Tyler B even pulled him around in the tree sled for awhile :)

Excited to go get our "kimustee"

Quality time with Uncle Tyler B

A Reindeer!

Wagon ride to get to the trees!

Ready to go look a trees with Pap Pap and Mimi

Getting pulled around by Uncle Tyler B

Hunting for the "perfect" trees

Mommy and Bridger.... just enjoying the show

Looking for the perfect tree... and the glove Mimi thought she lost.
(She found it on the living room floor when we got home. Fear not.)

Watching Daddy cut down the tree

And it's down!

Helping Daddy load it up on the sled

Christmas Tree Boys

Holden lost one ride, and got a new one :)

Daddy and his helper