And I'm definitely feeling more and more ready every day.
Jared finished up all the work on the room at the beginning of this week. So now all we have left is to move in his things, and Little Brother's room will be all set for him. And I will surely be posting "Before" and "After" photos of the room just as soon as we're done. I'm so excited.
Everything's been pretty much washed and ready now for a little while. But all bags are also now packed and ready (Well, except for Jared's, but who knows if he'll really even need a bag anyways. He's pretty low maintenance... and the hospital's only like 15 mins away from home if he needs something...) But at least Holden, I, and Little Brother will be all ready whenever it's time!
I also had another ultrasound today - this time just to check fluid levels - which she said looked good, but the doctor will go over it more with me tomorrow at my appointment. My last set of blood work came back all good. And my weekly NST also went well on Tuesday night. So all good news!
On a side note, my mom (and Jared's co-coach during labor. Hehe.) is in Florida right now. She flew down for a few days and will be driving back up with my sister, niece, and nephew this weekend. So just as soon as everyone gets back safe and sound, I'm thinking Baby can go ahead and come on out anytime!
Oh, and don't think I've given up on the coaxing. We've been walking lots and I'm actually on the yoga ball right now. And there's a full moon this weekend, so fingers crossed that maybe that will entice him to come on out and finally meet us :)
his head (so cute) and there's a hand on either side of
his face - if you can make it out :)
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