And while we would like just this one more weekend to finish up his room, any time after that that he decides he's ready would be ok by us!
In other baby news, my weekly NSTs continue to go well and our last ultrasound had him measuring right on track. So all good news! And while I do have to have some blood work repeated since one of the counts was kind of off, I'm really having no other issues, so I'm praying it was just a fluke and everything will be fine this time.
Also, since we are now "full term," I thought that maybe it was a good time to start letting him know that we're ready for him. So last night we took a bumpy ride in the Jeep, followed by a long walk :) Come on Little Brother, head on down towards the light. Haha.
But seriously, we are very much praying for a VBAC this time, and in order for me to have a chance at that, I need to go into labor on my own. Preferably by my due date. Aaaand since I will do pretty much anything I can to avoid a repeat C-section, bring on the yoga ball, spicy food, and more long and bumpy walks and rides :)
And Holden's latest way of getting attention, when he's feeling a bit neglected, is to ask for a hug. Which is absolutely adorable. And he's sitting on my lap saying "hug" over and over again right now. How can I possibly resist?♥
I'll leave you again with the last few weeks of the belly. Have a great day!
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