But it's definitely very entertaining being around Holden lately.
Over about the past month or so he has just become a talking/repeating/mimicking machine. And, while much of his words sound very much the same (everything that starts with the "B" sound, for instance, is basically "buh" - Mommy has to be pretty perceptive to figure out which "buh" he means at the time. Haha) it's still much more fun now than when he was just whining/upset all the time because he had no way of letting me know what was on his mind.
And he's always been a sponge, I know, but now it just keeps getting more and more obvious by how much he repeats/mimicks back to us.
For example, Jared has been lifting regularly for, um, ever now. And the other night, he got his glass of water and headed out to the garage to work out, and Holden came running over to me "flexing" his muscles and said "dada." Smart cookie :)
So while it is still a little bittersweet how fast it's really going, once Little Brother comes in a couple months, I think I will definitely be grateful for my "big kid" toddler :)
Now if we could just get better at our listening skills by then....