My baby brother is now a dad. And it's completely crazy. And completely awesome.
Beautiful Bryce Anthony was born (on his due date!) late in the morning on July 29th.
With his Mommy's nose and mouth, and his Daddy's eyes and ears, he is perfect and healthy. And so far seems to be just one of the sweetest babies ever.
And I got to go meet him in the hospital on his birthday... :)

Baby Bryce ♥ 7 1/2 pounds and 20 inches
I'd say that's one pretty proud, pretty tired brand new Daddy
Word on the street is... this lil' Momma is awesome :)
The Labor Team
They sure made one perfect little boy.
Yay for itty bitty, brand new babies :)
Me, Bryce, and Tyler
And Bryce makes six. Six incredible grandbabies for this Mimi.
Her baby has his own baby now.
Welcome to the world, Teeny Weeny. We already love you more than we can explain. ♥
Fixing his hat after showing us his hair.
Give me a Thumb's Up, Emily Anne. Because you.. rock.♥
I think, being a parent is likely one of the hardest, most demanding, thankless, exhausting,
incredible and amazing experiences in the whole world.
And I also think Bryce is one lucky kid to already be completely surrounded by so much love and support from all the families.
It's gonna be hard, but it will definitely be worth it.
Go get 'em, guys.♥
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