I'm behind. Ah, life.
So, Graham is 6 months old now! Has been for a little over a week now. And he is just growing like a weed.
He loves to eat. And now that he's getting a full tummy he's also letting Mommy sleep more. We usually only have to get up once a night now for a bottle. And sometimes not at all!
And, he's turning into a great sleeper. Some snuggles, his blankey, a kiss and the words "Night Night." I lay him down and he goes to sleep. It's a lovely blessing.
(And speaking of the sleep thing, Holden and Bridger are now officially roomies. And it's going SO well. There were like 2 rough nights of adjustment. But now we just take them up, give kisses and tuck them in and they're out for the night. I think they both like knowing they're not alone. It's wonderful.)
But so besides food, Graham also loves to be naked. He loves to watch his silly brothers. And he loves to blow spit bubbles.
Still no teeth, but his shirts/bibs are almost literally dripping wet with drool after like an hour. So I think they're coming. But he's not been unhappy or had any of those other yucky teething symptoms, so who knows.
He is a wiggling/diving/grabbing/chewing/rolling machine.
It's going fast.
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