Graham is already 3 months old now! And truly, he's a good baby.
I mean, he's not gonna lay there by himself and just chill for hours on end... as if.... but in general, as long as his basic needs are met, he's pretty darn content. And deliciously sweet. Mm. Love those cheeks.
We've had no issues with food sensitivity or "colic" or anything like that and he really only fusses if he needs something. So it's kind of hard to complain about that.
He is still in our room (and half the night, laying right beside me...) but, soon we'll try to start the transition to his crib. I'm not really worried about him. I'm just kind of concerned about Holden and Bridger... since we have a 3 bedroom house and in order for Graham to have the "nursery," Bridger and Holden have to learn how to share a room for the first time. And not wake each other and, most importantly, Mommy, up all night long.
And Graham's also now finally getting the hang of bottles, and actually starting to prefer them. So I think we may be starting to phase out breastfeeding. We made it a good 3 months - which, with 2 other little ones to deal with, is honestly longer than I even expected. So I guess we shall soon see what Mr. Graham thinks of formula...
Also, he's lost almost all his hair, loves bath time, is ticklish now, seems like he's starting to reach for/realize when he's touching things now, and giggled (at Daddy) for the first time the other night. It was adorable. I took a little video clip, maybe I'll have to post it for you all. Daddy was blowing raspberries and Graham just loved it.♥
Anyhow, here he is, sitting on Sunday - the bench on the day he turned 3 months old.
Such a sweet pea ♥
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