At 5:03pm on Thanksgiving day, our little boy was three years old.
And so, three years old deserves 3 celebrations, right? At least. :)
The birthday festivities began with presents at Grandma and Grandpa's house after Thanksgiving dinner - and I think we've watched Toy Story 3 every day since! He loves it. And that night, after "the babies" (as Holden calls them) were in bed, we let him open one present, sang him Happy Birthday, and let him blow out some candles.
Then on Friday, we went to the Cleveland Zoo and Rainforest! We'd been telling Holden that we'd take him to the Rainforest for his birthday, but it was such a nice day, that we even got to walk around the zoo for a bit. We enjoyed the sunshine while we found the leopard, rhinos, polar bear, elephants, and a few others. Then we went in and had lunch and looked around at all the animals in the Rainforest. All the boys did really good, and I think Holden had lots of fun getting to walk around all by himself. So grown up, I tell ya ;)
And then on Sunday night, Mimi, Pap Pap, and Uncle Tyler B came over to our house for pizza and a small party. The Birthday Boy got some more great toys and I'm thinking they might just be enough to keep him busy until Christmas :)
They both look so happy and excited ♥
Toy Story 2! A major hit at this house.
Family Photo
(Holden's 3rd Birthday and Graham's first Thanksgiving - It was a big day for us :))
And waiting to blow out his candles while Mommy and Daddy
sang him Happy Birthday that night
(Holden's 3rd Birthday and Graham's first Thanksgiving - It was a big day for us :))
sang him Happy Birthday that night
Pointing out the turtles
Getting a lift....
... to see the fishies!
A back seat full of sleepy boys after their big day :)
Opening some presents with Mimi and Pap Pap....
It's a Doodle Pad from Aunt Megan!
It's a Doodle Pad from Aunt Megan!
New Shoes!
Watching the fun and feeding the babe
The traditional picture of Uncle Tyler B - on the couch, phone in hand
Pap Pap helping open the tractor
A mellow Daddy and Baby Graham
Playing with Mimi and the Doodle Pad
And one last gift... a train set!
Happy boy waiting for Daddy to get it all out for him
Learning how to work the remote control for the train. Doesn't he look so big?!
Playing train set with Pap Pap
And Bridger trying out the Lightning McQueen slippers
Time for cake!
Everyone singing to the handsome man of the hour. ♥
Everyone singing to the handsome man of the hour. ♥
The "after party" with Daddy and the boys
All ready for bed.... just a few more minutes with the new train
Daddy and Bridger - the spectators :)
And one last story....
The train is crashing! Buzz Lightyear, to the rescue!
And Buzz flies in to save the day!
(I just love how you can see Holden's lips making the sound effects :))
(I just love how you can see Holden's lips making the sound effects :))