Friday, April 30, 2010

Seventeen Months

Holden is seventeen months old now. Already. And every day is definitely starting to get more and more fun.

Not that it hasn't been fun since the very beginning. It's just that now.... Well, I feel like he just woke up one morning recently and decided he was ready to talk! He will now try to repeat almost anything he hears you say. And he's made lots of animal sounds and other sounds effects for awhile, but now instead of just barking, he will say "Ina" (Indiana) or instead of just
vrooooming when he hears a car, he says "car." And it's so much nicer to have him actually ask for what he wants!

It's so much fun to just watch the way his little mind works and see what he comes up with to do. And I feel like he just mimics every single thing we do now, and it's amazing to me to realize how much he has already learned about how to act from us.

But of course, when we look back though pictures of even just a year ago, it's bittersweet to fully embrace how big he is now. And how fast the "baby stage" is really over.

He's always had his own personality, preferences, and quirks, but now he just seems like such a person.

He's definitely fast becoming an ornery toddler. And
we really are having fun watching him grow into a boy.

But, for just a little while longer, I think maybe he can still be my baby.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Buddy♥

"She discovered with great delight that one does not love one's children just because they are one's children but because of the friendship formed while raising them."
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Monday, April 19, 2010

My Work

I love being a stay-at-home Mom.

But that doesn't mean that I never wonder what it would be like to still be a successful, employed, money-earning adult. And honestly, sometimes I miss it.

Not the getting up early or rushing around part. But the sense of accomplishment, sometimes.

And I know what I do at home is important, but sometimes, it's just a lot harder to measure.


This afternoon when I was sitting by Holden's crib waiting for him to fall asleep for his nap, I was reading a little book called Meditations for New Mothers by Sandra Drescher-Lehman. Honestly, I got this book in the hospital when Holden was born, but I've just recently even opened it. And I think there was a reason I was led to look through it now.

It's just a small book of short, one-page, daily meditations. There's a short story/thought, a bible verse, and a sentence prayer/meditation.

There's been many that have brought tears to my ever-emotional eyes, but one I read this afternoon really spoke to my heart. And I just wanted to share it quickly. In case there are any other stay-at-home mothers (even if just for maternity leave) who have ever felt this way, too.


Valuing my Work

"What did you do today?"

I used to love to be asked that question. I took pride in my busyness and productivity. Now it's a question I hate. What I do now can't be calculated like most people measure tasks. I'm busy all day, but I don't have much tangible evidence to remind me of what I did, much less to recount to someone else.

I was a mother today. I loved today, not always perfectly, but I did love. I didn't earn any money today, but I did contribute to the good of the world. I was a mother.


Thank you, God, for
giving me so valuable a job.


Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by him, a worker who has no need to be ashamed. - II Timothy 2:15

Thursday, April 15, 2010


"When Spring unlocks the flowers to paint the laughing soil." - Bishop Reginald Heber

. . . . .

Playing in the Daffodils

Trying to smell the flowers

Big Sniff!

How are we so lucky?♥

Our Sonshine

. . . . .

"I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in a garden." - Ruth Stout

Batter Up!

Holden's great-grandma sent him a little Easter money in his card so he could get something special. And combining his love of (a) being outside (b) balls and (c) hitting things with other things - his first T-Ball set just seemed like the perfect choice :)

He loves the bat. No surprise there. But our dog, Indy? Not such a big fan.

Here's some photos of the first time we set it up for him to try.

Happy boy with his new toy :)

Daddy showing him what to do

Holden's turn to try!

Such a big boy

All by himself! Hooray!

Monday, April 5, 2010

"He is not here; he has risen, just as he said." - Matthew 28:6

This year for Easter, most of my family was out of town, so after church we got to spend all day over at Mom and Dad H's house - visiting, eating, flying kites (an Easter tradition), playing outside, and just enjoying the beautiful sunshine. It was a wonderful day.

And Holden had so much fun playing with his cousins and just trying everything - sitting on Uncle Tyler's new bike, watching everyone with the kites, going for some wagon rides...

It feels like everyone is always so scattered all around and we truly enjoyed just hanging out and getting to spend some time with everybody. We really were blessed with just a great, lazy, fun, sunny Easter day.

And we hope everyone else had a wonderful Easter, too!

So handsome in his Easter outfit♥

Sitting in Grandma's special little chair

Mr. Adventure. It's not fun unless it's slightly dangerous.

I know this isn't nearly the point of getting dressed up
on Easter, but he has just got to be one of the cutest little
boys I've ever seen :)

My main men

Cheesin' with Momma

Our family♥

Baby #2 - 22 weeks

(And I have got to quit referring to him as #2. I'm going to give
the poor boy a complex someday...)

First wagon ride of the day! With Grandpa and Daddy.

Checking out the newest addition - proud Uncle Tyler watching in the background :)

Holden being cool like Daddy

Everyone out flying kites!

Second wagon ride! With Cousin Naomi and Daddy

(Once Little Brother gets a bit bigger, we're thinking we will
definitely be needing to get them a wagon of their own. Holden loves it.)

He has risen indeed! Happy Easter!