Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero." - Marc Brown

I feel like we have been waiting forever to finally share our good news - my own fault, I made everyone kind of keep a lid on it until after the "big" ultrasound.

But now that we've officially announced it at church this morning and everything, I just can't wait to blab all about it! Hee :)

We are so happy to share with everyone that sometime later this summer, around August 4th, it looks like we will be welcoming our second little bundle of BLUE!

We had our ultrasound last Thursday and everything went great! (Except that there was an emergency before me so I had to wait.... and if you've ever been pregnant, drank what-feels-like your body weight in water to prepare for an ultrasound, and then been asked WAIT an extra hour... I have now literally felt your pain. wow.)

But once we finally got in there it was just as amazing to me as the first time when we saw Holden. All the tiny fingers and toes wiggling and jabbing. It's just so neat to me to be able to feel Baby move and see Baby move at the same time. But anyways, he finally gave us a peek at the "goods" and we were both just super pleased when she said "Boy." (We were both kind of hoping...)

But yea, we just absolutely couldn't be happier with how everything is going! And now we are definitely starting to get excited for him to join our family :)

perfect little nose :)

Big Brother♥

1 comment:

  1. How exciting!!! Congrats to you and your family!

    I can not believe you have kept it a secret for so long! Way to go-- way more self-control than I have. :)

    Holden will be a wonderful big brother.
