Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Momma, her Belly, and her Boy♥

he's definitely growing in there :)

Holden wanted to take pictures with Momma

He was being such a little ham!

The Belly

♥ ♥ ♥

"You don't have to brush ALL your teeth... Just the ones you want to keep." — Anonymous

Holden has a mouthful of teeth now. Eleven through. And he just loves to brush them. Or, rather, have them brushed.

Which I suppose is a great thing!

But it gets a bit old that he wants to brush them every time he's in the bathroom and sees his toothbrush. Sigh.

I took a few photos the other day while Daddy was helping him. He was a little distracted at first because Daddy put a tiny bit of toothpaste on his brush - Mommy always just uses water!

Mmmm :)

Sometimes that tongue just won't behave...

Oh yea, opening big now for Daddy.

Daddy kept smelling Holden's breath and telling him how minty fresh he smelled.

And so then Holden kept sniffing like Daddy.

Never mind that he can't smell his own breath.

If Daddy is doing something, Holden has to do it, too :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

First Tractor Ride

Last Saturday was just so pretty outside, we sort of found any excuse just to be out. Including, but not limited to: potting flowers, moving the picnic table, washing the picnic table, putting in the porch screens, trimming low tree branches, plotting out where to put our fire pit, and taking the mower for a test drive :)

Off for a spin around the yard!

Holden is a stinker and won't wave to Mommy.
At least Daddy is a good sport :)

I was surprised that he didn't get a little scared, but he had fun!

Riding with Daddy

Someone wants to be just like Daddy :)

Flip Flops!!

I love being barefoot. I would be barefoot every day of the year if it was possible/acceptable.

And I will never understand why Jared will come home from work and change into tennis shoes, just to stay inside.


Anyway, due to my love of barefootedness, I am always excited to break out the flip flops each year once the snow is finally gone.

And this year, Holden got to wear his flip flops outside with Mommy, too :)

checking 'em out...

Good to go!

Off for a walk in the grass!

He likes them! Never once whined or wanted to take them off.
He is his Mommy's boy :)

Yay for warm spring days and bare toesies♥

Saturday, March 13, 2010

"Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero." - Marc Brown

I feel like we have been waiting forever to finally share our good news - my own fault, I made everyone kind of keep a lid on it until after the "big" ultrasound.

But now that we've officially announced it at church this morning and everything, I just can't wait to blab all about it! Hee :)

We are so happy to share with everyone that sometime later this summer, around August 4th, it looks like we will be welcoming our second little bundle of BLUE!

We had our ultrasound last Thursday and everything went great! (Except that there was an emergency before me so I had to wait.... and if you've ever been pregnant, drank what-feels-like your body weight in water to prepare for an ultrasound, and then been asked WAIT an extra hour... I have now literally felt your pain. wow.)

But once we finally got in there it was just as amazing to me as the first time when we saw Holden. All the tiny fingers and toes wiggling and jabbing. It's just so neat to me to be able to feel Baby move and see Baby move at the same time. But anyways, he finally gave us a peek at the "goods" and we were both just super pleased when she said "Boy." (We were both kind of hoping...)

But yea, we just absolutely couldn't be happier with how everything is going! And now we are definitely starting to get excited for him to join our family :)

perfect little nose :)

Big Brother♥

Monday, March 8, 2010

"I've been waiting for that bright sunshine to show up and shine in my back door someday." - Luther Allison

Our sonshine♥

Finally :)

Today was one of the first truly "nice" days that I think we've had so far this year. And Holden and Mommy were quick to take advantage of the sunshine and spend some time
outside this morning. We didn't do much. Just walked around and enjoyed feeling the warm sun on our faces.

But it was wonderful.

Such a handsome little man in his hat :)

Going for a walk in the sunshine....

Happy to be outside in the warm sun :)