He's ONE!!! :) On November 24th our baby was officially not a baby anymore! And we celebrated Holden's birthday with lots of family, presents, and cupcakes - all smooshed into our little apartment :) I was nervous that with everyone here, Holden might feel shy or not really want to participate in his birthday fun. But I was wrong! He did great! From opening presents with all his little helpers (he would have rather just watched all the other kids, I think) all the way until the cupcake smashing. He just did great and had so much fun. Thank you to everyone who came and helped us celebrate our little stinker♥

The Birthday Boy!!♥

The Cupcake Tower

The Party :)

Time to Open Presents!

Holden had lots of great "helpers" at Present Time :)

The Cutest Little Birthday Boy Ever♥

Pulling off the paper all by himself

Modeling his adorable new little hat - now he can match Uncle Tyler H

Legos! Playing with some of the new toys

Holden's Birthday Cupcake did not last very long :)

Holden loves to share whatever he has.
Mommy did not want to share this. Hehe.

Daddy and the Birthday Boy

Our family

My sticky, sweet little boy♥
Time goes way too quickly. Its hard to believe Holden is ONE already!!! It seems weird that this is going to be his (and Reagan's too) 2nd Christmas!
ReplyDeleteI am glad his party was a success. He is definitely adorable. :)