Thursday, November 1, 2012

Today's Menu: Spooky Ghosts and Slimy Green Worms!

Since Trick or Treat was the weekend before, and we had already done the whole costume/candy thing, I wasn't really sure how to make Halloween feel "special."

So I played around on the internet and got some ideas... and I decided that for a special, creepy treat, this holiday we would Feast! On spooky bats and creepy creatures.... 

And so without further ado, I give you: Our Halloween Menu!

Read if you dare... Mwaaahahahhaahaa....!

Breakfast was sticky plate-fulls of Creepy Bats and Spooky Ghost pancakes!
  (And there was extra batter, so... Spiderwebs, a Jack o'lantern, and one big Spider made an appearance, too.)

And for lunch.....

Slimy Green Worms with Black Eyeballs!

(This was when Jared said, "I think you're taking this a little too seriously." 
And I replied, "Mwaaahahahahaa....!")


 Tasting his green "worms"... haha...


 They were a hit with this kid, too.

                     Shovel, shovel, shovel... 

                                  Lunch was... messy.

Noodle Lover.

And THIS silly baby (who is not generally not too big on noodles) sampled, but preferred the "black eyes". Mwaaahahhaha!! ;)

 Discussing (possibly.. how weird their mom is....)

 Everybody say "WORMS!" Haha.

 And after lunch. Stinker little pun'kin head. Climbs EVERYTHING nowadays.

And.... in all the hustle, I did not get to take photos of dinner. I plated it, set it down, and here's how it went:

Holden: (reaching for his plate) Mmmm...
Me: Wait! Let me take a picture! (looking frantically around for the camera)
Holden: But I'm hungry!
Me: I know. Just one second. Don't touch it yet. (searching, searching...)
Holden: But Mommy, I'm really hungry!
Jared: He's hungry. Let the boy eat.

I lost.

So I'll just have to describe it to you! Dinner was Little Mummies (sausages wrapped in crescent roll "bandages", with mustard yellow eyes), piped spooky Ghost shaped mashed potatoes, green deviled egg Eyeballs, Creepy Veggie Critters, and green hummus Hand Dip (complete with carrot fingers - and almond sliver fingernails, lol - reaching up out of the bowl).

It was really fun. :)

And then it was Pumpkin Time!!

 Hmm... who seems to be the only one doing any of the work in this picture?....

 A pumpkin lid bra? Nice.


We had some spooky playing while we did this, too. It was fun. And set the creepy mood....

 Cut, cut, cut.

 And the littlest pumpkin♥

 Bridger has turned into a chatterbox.

                  And now to Scoop the Goop!

 He thought maybe we were supposed to eat the guts. Haha. We set him straight.

 Oh! Put them in the bowl! ;)

 Hard at work.

Holden wanted a mean one. And we decided maybe it should be scaring Bridger's - so his is "surprised" looking. :)

And then after bath we read the couple Halloween books we have and finished the night off with the "Great Pumpkin" Charlie Brown special that was on. 

So nothing big... but I think it felt a little different and special from just every other day♥

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!