Friday, February 11, 2011

The Fort!

I tried a long time ago to build Holden a blanket fort and he was just still too little to think it was much fun. So last week, we tried again.

And he loved it.

After Bridger went to sleep, I just laid under there with him and we read books and played with his flashlight. (Daddy laid too, but really couldn't quite fit in the fort with us.)

Anyway, last night Holden asked me to make a fort again. So while Daddy was off at church band practice, Mommy and the boys played :)

A blanket fort and some cinnamon graham crackers. What could be better?

Coming out to see the picture Mommy took of him. Silly boy.

Fort Buddies :)
(And if you make this picture as big as it gets - click once, then click again - you can kind of see Bridger's 2 bottom teeth peeking out!)

Clean, happy, and all snuggly in his jammies ♥

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Six Months Old!

Last Friday, Bridger turned 6 months old! Kind of hard to believe it's gone by that quickly, but I honestly can't say that I mind. He's just so much fun now! And every day gets better. The more the boys can interact together, the more I'm loving it.

Here are some Bridger facts:

- He has two teeth through now on the bottom!

- He is getting really good at sitting all by himself - as long as he's not too tired... then, down he goes.

- Unofficially, per our digital home scale, the boy weighs about 19 1/2 lbs dressed. A bit of a load, if I do say so...

- He is an eater. In addition to the rice and fruits and veggies he likes to eat now, I half think he would take a bottle all day long. And maybe I should let him . Maybe he'd sleep a little longer at night then...

- He is great at bed time. Has a bottle and goes right down. Doesn't need rocked or held, and sleeps on his back just like he's supposed to. But unfortunately, he still doesn't sleep for very long stretches at a time. At least not regularly. I think we're going to be eating more rice during the day and see if that helps. 'Cause Momma is pretty tired.

- He hates tummy time. Still. We do it, but he hates it. And he can roll from his back all the way over and be almost on his tummy, but won't complete it just yet. And I kind of think it's because he just hates being on his tummy that much. Ha. We'll see....

- Just like his big brother, he adores naked/bath time.

- Holden loves to rub his head and say "fuzzy." But I really think his hair is growing. S-L-O-W-L-Y....

- He is a ham. Honestly, I don't remember Holden ever having this much of a personality so young. He is just a goof and will just grunt or squeal to get attention. And he interacts so much! He definitely amuses me during the day. And I just keep saying to him, "I'm gonna have my hands full with you, aren't I?" :)

Our little ham♥

Caught.... red-handed.

Aaaand this is what happens when Holden is allowed to supervise himself for a few minutes when Mommy is in the other room....

So, guess who found a red marker.

And drew on everything he could reach.


Literally red-handed. Guilty.

(PS. It all came right off with soapy water. Feel free to breathe a sigh of relief for us :) )