Holden had a wonderful first Easter Sunday! Daddy played the drums for Uncle Kevin's church and Mommy wasn't sure about taking Holden to a new church or about going to Salem without Daddy, so they stayed home for the morning and just watched an Easter message on TV - and Holden took a nice long nap so he would be a happy boy for all the Easter celebrating!
We went to Grandma and Grandpa Himes' for lunch and just like every year, everyone went out to fly kites after the meal. It was kind of chilly, but very windy and sunny - perfect kite-flying weather :) Holden loves being outside and had lots of fun watching everyone run around. It was so nice to see all the family. And even though we missed not having Shanti there, it was fun to hear all about her and Uncle Tyler H's wedding plans for when she officially becomes Auntie Shanti! And Grandma and Grandpa gave Holden a yummy chocolate Easter basket that Mommy and Daddy are still very much enjoying.
For dinner, we went over to eat with Mimi, Pap Pap, and uncle Tyler B. Unfortunately, Megan, Corey, and Josslyn had to leave for Texas a few days earlier so they weren't able to be there, but we still had a good time. And since their doggy, Otto, is staying over at Mimi's while they are away, we took our dog, Indiana, over to play and Holden had fun watching those silly puppies run around the yard.
And now that Easter is all over we're thinking Spring and hoping for some warm, sunshiny weather soon!
Mommy and Holden ready to watch the kite-flying festivities!
Kelsey and Brianne - the master kite-flyers :)
Uncle Tyler H getting his Pooh kite all ready
And they're off!
Holden and Daddy watching the big puppies play at Mimi's house

the big guy

being silly

such a sweetheart

grinning at Mommy

loving being naked :)